Antonio Monteiro talks about building Lumo, improving the ClojureScript beginner experience, typed GraphQL in OCaml, and creating a custom AWS Lambda runtime.
Chris Nuernberger talks about his work on tvm-clj, unsigned bytes on the JVM, efficient copying of data, neural networks, GPUs
Chris has a wide background across many different areas of computer science and software engineering. He first got into GPGPU programming around 2008 with a research group at CU trying to auto-optimize a simple linear algebra expression (y = Ax + b). He first got into LISP with cmucl after a bout of RSI (pain in hands and fingers) convinced him that mainstream languages at the time (C++, python, C#, Java, ML) didn’t offer enough leverage for the types of projects that he was involved in. He is currently a partner at company named Tech Ascent based in Boulder, Colorado.
We talk with Saskia Lindner about her experience working on re-frame-10x in Rails Girls Summer of Code, ClojureBridge, remote working, and compassionate coding.
Elana Hashman discusses her work on packaging Leiningen, the state of Clojure on Debian, and I ask her all the questions I've ever had about packaging on Linux.
Ben Brinckerhoff talks about Expound, his tool for formatting Clojure Spec error messages, a common language for Clojure errors, and the wider world of error messages.