Thanks to everybody who has subscribed to The REPL podcast so far, the first episode with Michael Drogalis was very well received. I’ve got a bunch of great guests lined up for the coming weeks.
- Next up on The REPL podcast, I talked to Daniel Higginbotham about Specmonstah, Clojure Spec, and his Clojure/Conj talk proposal.
- People’s favourite macros
Libraries & Books.
- specmonstah (mentioned above also) is a library for automatically generating fixtures with complex domain
- nREPL 0.4.5 has been released
People are worried about Types. ?
- Sayid is now part of the Clojure Emacs GitHub group
- CIDER 0.18 is out with a lot of new features and changes. I’m really proud that some of this work was able to be sponsored by Clojurists Together members.
- A new high level diagram of CIDER’s architecture from Mikhail Gusarov..
- Figwheel Main has some neat new zero-config auto-testing features. I have spent many hours building up a config to test ClojureScript projects with Karma, and it looks like I’ll be able to throw it all away and replace it with this.
- Workspaces from Nubank is a library/tool to help you develop UI components, similar to devcards.
Recent Developments.
- Some comments from Alex Miller on Java 10+ and Clojure
- CLJ-1279 (“Wrong number of args (-2) passed to…”) has been fixed in the recent Clojure alpha release
- Mike Fikes has been doing some really interesting work on type inference for the ClojureScript compiler. This can create smaller, faster code. Check out his Twitter account for some of the experiments he’s been working on, as well as some tickets in JIRA like CLJS-2865.
- Mike Fikes also has created some CLJS performance benchmarks showing big speedups (2x) over a large corpus of code. Smaller real-world projects may not quite achieve this speedup.
- I read a blog post from a fellow Kiwi who has been living with a zero-waste life, i.e. avoiding the creation of any waste, not just recycling it. I read it a few weeks ago, and it has been on my mind, and really affected the way that I look at food packaging, consumer culture, and how much waste that I produce.
I’m Daniel Compton. I maintain public Maven repositories at Clojars, private ones at Deps, and help fund OSS Clojure projects (along with tons of generous members like JUXT, Metosin, and Status) at Clojurists Together. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, tell your friends to sign up at, or post a link in your company chatroom. If you’ve seen (or published) a blog post, library, or anything else Clojure/JVM related please reply to this to let me know about it.