Friday, 27 April 2018
- Clojurists Together is going to fund CIDER and ClojureScript from May-July. I’m really excited to see the work they can do. clj-http and Figwheel are finishing up at the end of April, and have done really great work.
- Carin Meier shows how to use Graal with Clojure to be able to call R and Python
- There’s a roadmap for Scala 3 out now. I always find it interesting to see what our JVM brethren are up to.
Libraries & Books.
- Reagent 0.8.0 is out, with support for React 16.
- http-kit 2.3.0 is out with a bunch of new stuff.
- re-pressed is a clojurescript library that handles keyboard events for re-frame applications.
- defn-spec provides a defn for spec
People are worried about Types. ?
- Why do you prefer Clojure over Haskell?
- Promenade is a newish Clojure library that lets you do monadish things
- How to merge recursive specs
- Tim Baldridge has a good explanation of the GraalVM and associated technologies, and the tradeoffs it would bring for a Clojure implementation.
- Clojure friendly mode with rebel-readline and expound.
- Easier Clojure releases without commits
Recent Developments
- CLJS–1627 jsdoc parsing fails to recognize union types, breaking resolution