People are worried about Types. ?
- There is a lengthy thread on the Clojure mailing list about spec’s unintuitive (IMO) behaviour for validating keys. The specific part that I’m worried about is that no error is thrown at runtime if you specify a keyword in s/keys that hasn’t been defined. It seems like the kind of thing that could leak into production, or mask bugs further down the line.
- Semantic integrity checks is a new feature of a configuration language Dhall, which lets you verify that the semantics of your API haven’t changed. I could imagine something similar being applied to APIs that have been specced in Clojure, to automatically detect breaking changes.
Recent Developments.
- Long time member of the Clojure[Script] community Chas Emerick has a Patreon up. If you’ve benefited from his work, either now or in the past, then consider sponsoring it.