If you took a break over the holidays, I hope it was a good one. I’ve been at the beach with my wife and one year old son, so it’s been a mix of relaxing and defending the baby from a bach that hasn’t been childproofed. Best wishes for 2017!
Libraries & Books.
- chromex from the indomitable Darwin: write Chrome extensions with ClojureScript
- naga, a Datalog based rules engine
- omniconf is an omnivorous (my description) configuration library that verifies your config on startup
People are worried about Types. ?
But not this week.
- How boot solved our FTP problem
- Code indexing with lein-codeindex for vim and emacs
- More on Datomish from Mozilla, their database inspired by Datomic and Datascript.
- Saving your Emacs customisations somewhere else
- YouDebug sounds like an incredibly useful debugger for remote sites where you don’t have access to customer infrastructure. I wonder if it can work with Clojure?
- I’ve been working on - private hosted Maven repos. You can sign up for the launch list if that sounds useful for you and your team.