Libraries & Books.
- Tengen, a macro for making Reagent components a little easier from Peter Taoussanis. Most of the time form-1 and form-2 Reagent components are all I need, but this is worth looking at if you need to work with the React lifecycle methods more deeply.
- Tempura, an internationalisation library also from Peter Taoussanis.
- onyx-local-rt has been released, a way to run Onyx systems locally, and even in the browser (!)
- ClojureScript 1.9.293 is out, it’s great to see Antonio Monteiro’s contributions.
- clj-xchart, a charting library for the JVM has been released, with excellent docs.
- graphql-clj: A Clojure library that provides a GraphQL implementation
- carry: A ClojureScript web app framework
- Sextant: Offline geocoding in Clojure
People are worried about Types. ?
Waiting for 1.9.
- An excellent guide on AWS, you’re bound to pick up a trick or two, even if you’ve been using it for a while.